Discipline & Flow


When did you learn that it was no longer safe to receive?

When did you decide that it was better to close off, be guarded, protect yourself, and in so doing push away everything you so desperately wanted, craved, and knew you deserved?

You were born without a doubt in your mind of your inherent worthiness, and right, to love, to affection, to intimacy, to abundance, to all of your hearts desires.

Not only did it never occur to you to NOT have it all, on your terms, but it wasn’t exactly something you just ‘asked’ for either.

You DEMANDED it. With every fibre of your being, every cell in your body, every strand of your DNA, KNOWING –

I want, I need, I long for –

And so I get to have.

It was truly that simple.

Can you imagine, coming back to the now, and TRULY knowing that whatever you want, you need, you long for –

You get to have?

Can you imagine, going back in time to that moment, perhaps a series of them, perhaps drawn out over many years and lifetimes, or perhaps just one crushing blow, where all of a sudden, what you’d known in your heart and soul since before time began was wrenched from you, and you instead became wide awake with the new, NOT of you knowing, that actually –

It’s not safe.
I don’t deserve.
I’m not worthy.
I must be CAREFUL.

– can you imagine going back to that moment, and re-writing it?


What you always were, and then –

Re-becoming it.

Suddenly, being CERTAIN, that it is.this.simple:

I want.
I need.
I YEARN for.


Can you IMAGINE, the removal of drama! And emotion! And all of the ENERGY which currently goes into trying to keep yourself at arms length from the desires of your heart and soul!

You spend so much time weighing up, in GREAT and never-ending torment, all of the reasons for, or against, or why you can, or you can’t, or what if this, and how about that, when REALLY –

It was always meant to be –

I want.
I need.
I yearn for.

And so I get to have.

Not a bit of bother about it, this was just how life WORKED.

Back before you forgot who you are.

Back before you decided that you were, in no particular order –

Your pain.
Your hurt.
Your fear.
Your angst.
Your panic.
Your overwhelm.
Your unworthiness.
Your contraction.
Your hiding.
Your doubt.
Your sorrow.
Your shame.
Your grief.

Don’t you see? You are NOT those things because you never were those things!

You took them on, as a necessary means of protection or in order to simply step back, take pause, assess, and understand.


They were CERTAINLY never meant to become part of you.

And you were never meant to create your life from THESE things, these things which are indeed, no matter HOW much you’ve allowed them to believe otherwise, a part of you right now.

Do you hear me, do you understand this?


You’ve taken on an entity from outside of you –
A lifeforce has planted itself into you
Seduced you
Threatened you
And caused you to believe that without it, you are nothing
Have nothing
Known nothing
And are worth nothing

When in fact IT is the thing that is no thing –

Except for a thing –

Which came along to show you something,

To teach you,

To help you,

And then to BE ON ITS WAY.

Would you like to know, how to send it on its way?

Notice it. Allow it. Hear it. Thank it for coming. And then let it MOSY ON BY.

‘Your services here are no longer needed’.

The thing you have to understand, is that before you allowed yourself to be thrown off path and to take another way, a way of MIS-alignment, a way directed and guided by fear, shame, blame and the like, you KNEW –

That you had a destiny.
That you had a purpose.
And that you were worthy, capable, and allowed to receive. In all areas.

The thing you have to understand is –

You still know this.

Beneath the fear layer.
Beneath the shame layer.
Beneath the layer of doubt, and of guilt, and of blame, or of hate, belief ALL your so-called uncertainty you DO IN FACT KNOW –

You have a destiny.

You have a purpose.

And you are worthy, capable, and allowed to receive. In all areas.

The thing you have to understand is –

This work, like all work worth doing, is not work to do for just this moment, or for a day.

It’s work to do every day
For the rest of your life

It’s a practice.
It’s a journey.
And the journey IS the destination.

The thing you have to understand is –

It’s very very simple.

You are worthy of receiving everything you want, need, desire, yearn for and crave.

You always have been.

It’s just how it is.

The thing you have to understand is, and KNOW, and live by –

That just as you once upon a time decided you were not –

You must now decide that you are.

The thing you have to understand is, and hold in your heart –


Actually, nothing.

You already know everything.
You already have everything.
The answers are within.
It’s all just a game of remembering.

It’s so simple, isn’t it? And so beautiful, too!

Release the old. Become what you always were.


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