Alignment, Discipline & Flow


Do you ever stop and really think about just how ODD your sub-conscious mind is, and the bizarre things it makes up, which – left unchecked – will stop you from reaching your goals despite even the VERY best efforts?

I do.

I think about this stuff a LOT … I journal about it, I tune the fuck IN, I figure my shit OUT!

And yet it still creeps up on you, doesn’t it? All sneaky like. BLOCKING you from allowing in that next level version of yourself, until such time as you notice, once more, smile, once more, tune in deeper, once more, and then release, and make a new choice.

Take this one – and this is super common, by the way! –

What if your sub-conscious mind felt it was not SAFE to be rich?

What if, at some point along the way, you’d made a contract with your own SOUL, to not LET yourself be rich?

What if, at a cellular level, it was actually REALLY FUCKING SCARY and maybe even a BAD thing, to get rich?!

That would be a real bitch, wouldn’t it?!

And of course, all of these sub-conscous commitments are in NO way actually odd or bizarre, what they ARE, in fact, is purposeful.

Find the purpose.
Re-set beliefs.
Make a new contract with your soul.
Carry on and GET what you’re working towards, with ease!

The thing is –

If you have an underlying belief that getting to rich … getting to be loved … getting to where you’re super lean or ‘skinny’ or whatever it is you want … getting to where it all just FLOWS, and you feel FREE, and so damn GOOD … if your underlying belief is that those outcomes would in some way JEOPARDISE stuff which matters more …

You’re not going to get there!
No way.
No how.
You could do ALL the work.
And then some!
You could FULLY show up.
And KNOW you’re not skipping a beat.

But if it’s THREATENING you, somewhere deep inside where you don’t look or even know how to look, then sorry gorgeous –

It’s not going to happen.

The good news is, I can tell you how to look.

The better news is, I can tell you how to release.

The best news is, I’m gonna do it now!!

(Of course –
and you do KNOW this –
you DO always know all of your own needed answers; you don’t need ME for that!
But I’m happy to prompt, and share, what’s worked, for me)


What would it MEAN to you, in a bad or SCARY way, to be rich?

This is how you begin to look.

You notice … that maybe when you do receive a bit more money or you feel the realness of how easy it CAN be … that there is some weird FEAR reaction that comes up.

I felt it this morning actually, just now as I journaled, and I ran my hands over my own stomach and back, around my ribs.

I felt that I am noticeably LEANER than yesterday. This happened ’cause yesterday I decided fully to get shredded again, and of course there is no time or rules and there are no steps required so yes I DID wake up with a HUGE drop in body fat … of course. EVERYTHING gets to be easy and instant, when you believe, and act from flow.

But as I felt around my ribs, and felt that I could feel ME more, I felt a little flutter –

Of fear.

And so I paused.
I tuned in.
And I remembered –

Oh yes.
At some point along the way I did in fact make a contract with my own soul to not get TOO lean … because to me that is super HOT … and if I am TOO attractive men might want me more … and love is not SAFE … so that would not be SAFE!

These are things I have already tuned in to, before.

And perhaps it will start to give you some ideas, relevant to YOU, and why it is you ‘struggle’ to get the money or the love or the body or any of it!

It’s actually never a struggle.
It’s actually ALWAYS purposeful!

Because if our sub-conscious mind found something UNSAFE or in any way BAD, wouldn’t it make sense that it wants to protect us?!

It would.

So here is what you do:

You notice, firstly.
You take the time to tune in, and to identify the beliefs beneath your beliefs, about what it mean to ‘get there’, and how that could be bad or sad or scary.

And then you look at each of those underlying beliefs, and you decide:

Am I willing to release this?
Can I choose a different belief, one that serves who I now get to choose to be?

And then you do so.

Quite simply.

Like this:

“I am safe to be lean.
I am safe to be loved.
I am safe to be tiny.
I am safe to rich.
I am safe to act fully from flow”

Or whatever works for you; your own wording.

I look at those, and there is one which jumps out at me:

TINY means WEAK and FRAIl and VULNERABLE and that is NOT safe.

But yet – my ideal body type for me is when I am SUPER lean, and I do get TINY … muscular, still, but definitely TINY. Where people will comment on it. Where I catch my reflection in a window and feel a moment of oddness or maybe panic.

So, I get to reframe; again!

“When I am SMALL I can be powerful.
I am STRONG regardless of my size.
When I let myself be the me who I feel called to be I become even MORE powerful, I step into GREATER flow and alignment, I am also more able to RECEIVE!”

These are just my examples.

What do YOU need to write, for you, relevant to your money, your biz, your body, or any of it?

I did all the money stuff years ago … I KEEP doing that as well, to be clear! I got to release deep-seated fears about not being worthy or good enough to receive financial abundance … or of not being a good steward of it … or of it being difficult to maintain … etc.

I did the same work I am describing here.
And I still do it, when I notice even the smallest need.
In fact, I do my mantras and affirmations and inner work for ALL areas of my life, every day, whether or not I feel I need to!

I find it helfpul – don’t you?! – to train my thoughts each day.

It kinda makes the whole thing EASY!!

As it should.
As it GETS to be.
As it IS!
(Thank you)

Of course we also get to look at the CONNECTED areas. It’s all very well for me to frame to myself and choose new beliefs saying it is safe to be LEAN … but I did mention above a connection to being more open to receiving attention or LOVE if I’m lean … and that THAT felt unsafe.

So, here we go again:

“I am safe to be loved.
I am open to love.
I am able to receive full and deep love.
Everything works out perfectly.
Each experience is just exactly as I choose.
I am safe to be loved.
I am ready for love!
I am safe to be loved”

Or whatever comes out that day.

It’s all just about EXPLORING … and I just write whatever comes up.

But you see how important, and powerful, this work is, don’t you?

It makes so much SENSE, right?!

Why on earth would you allow yourself –

To get to RICH –
Or in flow and FREE –

If there were a bigger reason lurking beneath as to why you SHOULDN’T!

Your body and mind; they are SMART! They WILL protect you.

It’s on you to check in, now and then, or more often, if you care, on just what it is they think they’re protecting.

And maybe –

Just maybe –

Tell them thank you.
So much.
For caring for me.
But I’m good now.
I’m ready.

I choose rich.
I choose love.
I choose lean.
I choose free.

I choose me.
