Discipline & Flow


There was this period in my business where I got so caught up in the idea that effective receiving, surrender, trust, and ‘just letting it all flow’ meant I should lean WAY way back on the hustle.

I heard the hype, and actually it worked for me in a way, too. The higher my income went, the less I DID in fact need to do, it was true! Where in earlier years I‘d worked my ass off running around in circles all day every day, fear and, well, the desperate need for CASH, driving me here and there and everywhere to try and hack shit so it, well, worked, coming in to my own as a leader meant I learned to slow down.

I found what my genius areas were –

I realised that the very most part of what the online marketing industry as a whole didn’t need to apply to ME –

and that much of what seemed necessary to build audience and grow sales was just SOMEBODY ELSE’S idea of what worked (which may or may not have even worked for them), and that in a lot of cases if you were simply nailing great content, and consistently asking for the sale then you really REALLY didn’t need to worry about all the hoop jumping.

So yeah –

I slowed down.
I let it be easier.
I listened to what soul wanted.
And learned that actually when I followed what was inside of me and said ‘screw the rules’ I moved forwards in leaps and bounds!

I also learned that mindset, energy, frequency, these things really were critical and really good CREATE RESULTS! I watched patterns of how much money would come in (and also how I could hold on to it or no) based on when I was in belief or expansive expectation or magnetic energy as opposed to in should or force or only push. I learned that the MOST important thing, far and away, was me being in the vibe of ultimate ME-ness. And that my action should follow from there.

As a result of all of this, I went from fighting like a banshee to make 80-100k months (I fought well, and yeah – momentum and consistent determined action even without amazing mindset and vibe definitely creates a result!) –

to bypassing multiple 6-FIGURE months. Consistently.

Was I sold on the flow life, fuck the hustle?

Hmmm – I have NEVER been fuck the hustle! Even in my most flow of flow or slow times. I love the hustle, and I have ONLY positive vibes around it. Fuck your negative ideas of what hustle is; to me it is simply purposeful action towards an aligned outcome. The hustle, real hustle, inherently includes self-care and time spent with and for the other areas or people in your life who you value.

But never-say-die love of the hustle aside, the truth is, actually, I was kind of full of shit.

See I KNEW that what naturally lights me up and drives me is being ON. I LIKE having a lot of balls in the air. I am at my best when it’s messy, chaotic, a lil crazy. When I don’t know what’s gonna happen next but I definitely know I’m alive. As I’ve said time and again – I don’t need to slow down and breathe, I need to wake up and LIVE!

And yet.



Along the way.

I took that concept of FLOW, and yes I DID decide (which was true) that I needed to lean back a little, that I WAS at that time ‘too’ on, and that I was certainly giving a lot of time and energy to areas of business that were taking me AWAY from soul and out of genius, and then I leant back –

back some more –

back even more –

and, without even realising it, so bloody far back that I was nearly flatlining on the floor!

The truth is, like many people, I HAD burned myself out a bit. I DID sacrifice sleep. I DID push push push well beyond my capacity, and, in some cases, beyond what was aligned for me from a values perspective.

You know what?


Actually it was all flow. Yeah, I was tired. Chose to juggle too much at times. Did some crazy shit. SO WHAT? It taught me things I needed to know. It built me into who I am. I am glad of every minute of it.

But what I didn’t realise, what I would change if I could go back, is that going too far with the ‘push’ was not something to denounce as awful in all extremes and it did NOT mean I had to go completely the other way in order to be able to breathe a little more! In many ways I think that was one of the most alive and exciting times of my life. Could I do it? Would I? I couldn’t! It was impossible! I was gonna die! AND THEN I DID IT ANYWAY.

So good

Sure it needed to shift for me to go to the next level. But it did not need to shift to the extreme of buying in to the idea that if I was DOING then it was somehow bad or wrong or that I wasn’t being woke enough around receiving.

See, me, I’m not only not like the other people –

I’m also not like the other ENTREPRENEURS.

For so many, the end goal is do-nothing-much and chill.

They DESIRE to be doing ever ever ENDLESSLY ever less.

They want to receive JUST from their energy.

For me –

and maybe, if you’re as much of a creativity and chaos led badass as I am, you as well –

I NEED the push to thrive. I feel like shit when I do too little! Yes, there is such a thing as too much! There is definitely such a thing of doing a bunch of shit which won’t really work and not being in your genius, or flow zone.

But it’s not one or the other.

And some of you, never mind whether or not you love the CHAOS like I do, and actually become superhuman by being in it, feel and look and function better in all ways, SOME of you could also stand to learn that receiving? Surrendering? Trusting and allowing? These things are an ENERGY and that energy is MOSTLY SUPPORTED BY ACTION!

Yeah you can journal your way rich, successful, free (my best-selling program on that dates back to 2016 and is TRUTH), but it goes HAND IN HAND WITH DOING THE WERK.

Sometimes the action of receiving IS ‘nothing’. Many times it is play, fun, adventure, and yep, chilling. Of course!

But if you think that building a successful soul-led empire is all about you dialling in your energy and leaning back from the push, you’ve got another think coming.

And don’t be surprised if a year from now your money sitch has barely changed.

Those who are CRUSHING all DO.

Some have found a way to make it inherent to who they are. I fall largely into this category. The ‘do’ which makes me the most money is me just being me. It’s the stuff I do FOR me first and foremost. It’s stuff I have ingrained into my very being.


There are also, often, things I do where I don’t feel like I feel like doing it before I start. Yes, I said ‘feel like I feel like’. Meaning – I have surface based feelings that may not reflect what my next level self would actually feel or think about the matter.

And, make no mistake, I DO SHIT.

I think about how to improve my sales funnels. I take action on it. I write copy daily in some form. I improve on it. I kick my butt to show up, message, communicate, sell. I address my systems. I move forward on projects or tasks or areas where my company is weak or where I want a new outcome. I do not allow whether I ‘feel like it’ to dictate the creation of my destiny!

Yeah –

It’s all flow baby.

But flow is a MINDSET and a choice, first and foremost. It is not supposed to be an excuse to let your lazy ass continue to sit around not actually putting the shit in place that is going to get you to where you want to go!

When I bought in to leaning all the way back I not only nearly passed out daily at how bored I was at my own business and self, but my income HALVED.

It happened gradually, and I kept thinking that the answer was I’m not receiving properly still; I gotta go even MORE into ‘just the energy!’.

Eventually it got to where it was actually a serious issue – with hundreds of k of business and life (this includes wealth building, investments and so on) expenses each month – I really REALLY could not let it drop any further.

Desperately I tried to fix my energy .. align better … be even more badass at receiving … further apply the ‘do less’ principle.

And it wasn’t til it got to where I had to decide that I SIMPLY WASN’T AVAILABLE FOR THIS TO CONTINUE that I realised that said ‘unavailability’ was also gonna have DO associated with it!

Facing in to resistance about growth and systems and next level automation shiz that part of me felt like ‘wasn’t flow for me’, and so I ‘shouldn’t have to do’.


As I started to focus more intently on my own bloody company, my numbers, and which systems and sales funnels actually were being left to wilt and DIE, and what I needed, as director, to do about it, something mind-blowing happened –

I woke the fuck back up to who I always was.

I finally figured out that the reason I’d been so bored and ‘meh’ for so long was not because I needed to chill better, and ‘align better’, it was literally because ALIGNMENT FOR ME INCLUDES BLOODY DOING! Quite a bit of it, actually.

Turns out –

I never stopped loving the push, the hustle, the GRRRRINNNNNND, there were just a few things I didn’t realise I didn’t have to do way back when I switched to the flow life.

But what it really turns out as is this:

My flow life is the hustle.

I like creating shit –

Throwing it at the internet –

also automating the fuck outta it –

and getting better at every bit at it day by day.

And once I realised this, not only did I double (and more!) my income back the fuck up to where it should be, but I also FELL BACK IN LOVE WITH MY BUSINESS AND LIFE.

Some of us are just driven by being IN the damn thing, y’know? And eventually we got woke enough to realise we can also press pause any damn time we ACTUALLY need.

It’s not either / or, and it never was.

So maybe right now it’s time you kicked your sweet ass back to DO, yeah? You’re wearing a damn hole in that journal and your soul is drying over from lack of use.


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