

Let’s talk about being the 1%, within the 1%, a legend and a genius, who is born for it, and more, and what –

Too much already?!

You don’t wanna own that shit? You don’t wanna claim it? You don’t already KNOW it?!

Come come, let’s not be coy now.

You know who you are.

You KNOW you damn FINE at it.

And you know it’s just about time for life is now press play o’fucking CLOCK, in which, finally –

You activate the power, the deep and long-forgotten POWER, of all that you were meant to be, have always been, CAN only be, in fact, when you are truly being you.

I’m talking, naturally, I don’t have to tell you –

Of being superhuman, wait, excuse me now –

SuperFUCKINGhuman, and then some.

When you flick that FLOW switch, but ALL the way (good and hard and DEEP, the way it should be!), the human as fuck LIMITED shit falls away, the floor drops from under you, the heavens open, and all of a sudden you realise JUST HOW MAGIC YOU ARE.

All of a sudden, you don’t seem to need to eat –

Sleep becomes optional –

You SEE things more clearly, they’re sharper too, you can move faster, you have NIGHT vision, you’re thinking and FEELING your way through time and space, and you know, simultaneously, EVERYTHING –

About everything – !


About anything.

You can SPRINT, you can DART, you can TWIST, you BEND space and time, you become one with the atmosphere, and the flow, the flow, the flow, the God damn FLOW, it sets you –

On fire.

Creative downloads are free-falling from the air like hailstones, you can’t escape ’em if you wanted to, but why the fuck would you WANT to, when you can soak them up, let them sink into you, and through you, become part of you, you’re on FIRE, you’re unstoppable, your fear and your worry and your ‘should I shouldn’t I’ BULLSHIT, is just gone –

Stripped away –

And right now, in THIS moment –

Never to return.

When you’re in this space it’s mind-boggling, ridiculous, ludicrous, to think about how you normally live, and the MINUTIA with which you concern yourself.

You look at others, worrying about whether they got enough rest –

Or about what time it is –

Or about how much there is to DO –

Or how they look or if their hair is just so or what people think or whether they should stop, or go, and WHAT ABOUT ALL THE RESPONSIBILITIES?!

And you just shake your head in wonder.

Is this what it’s come to? Is THIS what it’s become about?! THIS shit right here is what people live for?! When they could be dancing, and flowing, and playing with life, being caught up in the moment, being one WITH the moment, BECOMING the moment, itself, and just letting it all ride and wash over them?

It’s amazing
It’s incredible
It’s appalling
It’s just plain awful

A little voice inside your head reminds you that yes, you TOO, are normally bound by this stuff. How astonishing! Can it really be?! DO you really concern yourself with such trivia? Is that what YOU live for, when you’re not here, in this place, superflowing, superflying, being pulled along in the river beneath the river, the deep collective unconcsious, ZERO doubt in your mind except that it’s all about NOW and that you have and are EVERYTHING, all of it, right here IN this now?

Is it really so?!


Bizarre! When you could simply stay here, right here, vibrating on the edge of the Universe, everything you could possibly desire available for you to pluck right out of the sky.

Why does it happen, do you think?

Why do you continue to go back into the OH so 2D realm?

Is it for contrast?

Is it self-punishment?

Do you get BORED with it being so easy?!

Or do you just forget –

How available it is, the superflow lane, the switch to flick where you harness the EUPHORIC power of being that superhuman you, that next level you, that you who on the other days you barely even catch a GLIMPSE of, and most people CAN never, WILL never, dare I say don’t even wish to KNOW ever –

That it exists.

For them.

OR for you.

And here is what I want to tell you, what I want to say to you, what I suggest for you to RE-know –

Your soul remembers when you were fully magic, and superhuman was your natural state, and just what you EXPECTED.

Superhuman IS your natural state, is the truth of the matter.

You’re not MEANT to need all these things in order to stay alive, survive, do it right.

Food, sleep, structure, rest, join the dots, do it right, be like the others, do it just so, ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE NEGOTIABLE.

You only NEED them, ANY of them, in a structured and ‘this is how much’ way, when you’re not giving yourself what you ACTUALLY need, when you’re not feeding your SOUL.

When you feed your soul

It feeds the world –

And the world feeds you –

And you become the world

And you will STAY in that place for as long as you desire, or choose, or see fit, and eventually, sure, maybe you needa grab a taco, or a nap, but REALLY –


This is NOT what you were born for.

This is NOT what you came here to do.

This is NOT who you are.

And this is NOT what you PROMISED yourself either, is it?!

There is another way.

There ALWAYS has been.

It’s the WAY OF THE WILD, of the raw, of the free, and it resides, where you know you’ll find it –

In the place where you say yes
To the madness
To the chaos
To the irrational
To the reckless
To the freedom call
Of your soul

Remember this place
Go to this place
I’ll see you, perhaps,
In this place, and together, we’ll make magic, become magic, and dance, from this world to the next
