

Start as you mean to go on.

The life you dream of, look up on its pedestal at, tell yourself you’ll one day have, create, become, no really – ! –

is already here, and it’s already yours.

It’s dancing in a parallel space and place, and it’s waiting.

Waiting to see if you’ll choose it, say yes to it, and allow it, to be.

Or whether your path, and therefore the path that it too must take is on of –

she could have, but she did not.

She would have, except she forgot.

She SHOULD have, because it was that obvious and everybody knew she was born for it, it’s just –

she kept telling herself maybe not.

Don’t you see?

At this point on your journey, at this age, at this STAGE, don’t you SEE?

It is DONE. The bit where you have to figure out, earn it, or get there. It’s DONE, and the truth is – it always was.

It was ALWAYS just CHOOSE it.

Choose ME (whispers your soul).

Choose YOU.

And choose to back yourself with the cold hard relentless REALITY of the fact which is that you ALREADY CAN YOU ALREADY COULD YOU ALREADY WOULD HAVE, if only you’d let it be as simple as just.say.yes.

YES, I’ll just start writing NOW the way I one day wish I could.

YES, I’ll just publish that thing before I’m ready.

YES, I will press play on the dreams I’ve had waiting on that shelf for so long they are all but covered in dust.

YES, I will let it be easy.

YES, I will record, document, create.

YES, I will act from the place of already BEING that coach,

with those clients,

that author | speaker | leader,

with THAT audience,

that creator | messenger | revolutionary,

with THAT level of unapologetic badassery.




I know it feels hard. Sticky. Murky like, as though the parts of you which question and seem to want to hold you back are real, more real than your dreams, but BABY –

what could be more real than what you’ve always seen inside of you?!

And what could be more you then simply being all of that now?!

And what possible ACTUAL reason could there be, if you did just start now, as though you were already there, and then kept going now, the way you always ONE day intended for it to be, to ever EVER look back and say, “well –

I really should have waited longer to press play on what’s inside of me.”


Not one reason it would at any point be valid to say I should have waited longer. Or I’m so glad I held off so long. Or I’m so glad I could see the life that was there for me and I just –

watched it continue to float on by,


and ever more into the realms of maybe,

instead of just choosing it.

Here is the thing about purpose.

About destiny.

About life.

About you.


it’s been yours since before you knew of it!

But the fact that you were born for it,


and chosen,

does not mean it will ever happen.

You have to say yes.

And it has to be now.


Submit to a life of I could have,

I would have,

I should have!

But then I did not.
