Katrina Ruth and Coffee in Black and White selfie photo


These are the laws of becoming the wealthy artist, the way I see them and understand them and have been shown them.

Take them or leave them, it’s up to you, but if you leave them then know that a) you’re probably not a true artist, and b) you’re certainly not likely to ever become a wealthy one.

It’s just how it is, you’ll see.

Shall we begin?

The first thing is that you can never ever ever try to do your art in order to get paid. You can’t make money from your art, even though of COURSE you will make money as a result of your art. Contradictions are part of business and life, no need to be frustrated by it 

Whether or not you unleash your art daily (and if you don’t then yeah … nah, #notanartist; let’s also remember that unleashing of what’s within is not only represented by the words, the music, the stroke of a brush, it is a way of BEING), or less or more often, regardless, the second you are doing it with an end in mind and that end is money or indeed anything not just LETTING WHAT’S IN ME OUT, you have sold out and you will NOT be paid.

Or famed.

Worse still of course is that you won’t be happy, for how can the artist who stuffs down his truth in order to pander to his idea of the hungry demands of the gaping masses ever be CONTENT –

As he goes to bed at night,
And rests his weary yet not purposefully SPENT soul,
Knowing –

Once again I did what I hoped would work, so they would listen, and follow, and BUY, and I’d be safe, and accepted, and FREE, and no no no no NO it’s not supposed to FEEL like this and meanwhile WHY DO I STILL NOT HAVE MONEY?


That’s the first thing.

It may really be the only thing, actually…

You do what you do because you must DO it, and you do it for its own sake and NEVER for outcome, but purely because you can’t NOT … (can you?) … but yes, sure, let’s, lay down some more truths.

Art first.

ALWAYS, art first.

Any thing relevant to the progression of business or life or your day which you think needs to come ahead of the art is very likely a lie, a seduction, from OUTSIDE of you, to pull you off path or indeed never allow you on.

I’m not talking of the routines, or rituals, the swaying, the connecting in, which you purposefully choose into in order to ACCESS the deep unconscious, your own subconscious, the collective, the truth, the place from which the art flows.

I’m talking about when you tell yourself you have to first just do this and that.

Or, that you can’t because nothing is coming through you.

Or, that you won’t because what is coming through you feels silly, and apropros of nothing, and you won’t you won’t you won’t, just watch me!

These are the times to do it anyway.

Every time.

Or no, you’re not an artist and you HELL no ain’t gonna be a wealthy one.

Speaking of the not doing art for money thing but then again of course great wealth, and the ability to leave a tremendous impact, can and indeed WILL (*) come about as a result of, well, doing art, speaking of THAT –

(a side ramble,
as I paused my writing just now to go to the bathroom, having tried to ignore the need the entire first part
I sat there, and I thought – 
sometimes I really HATE that I am this person, who can’t not
the art comes out of me so many days with an anxious need attached to it … I have to do this, I have no choice, but OH, how I want to run for it at times, or have it just be over, to unleash these words – it feels so often like a race to get it done to have the release while simultaneously it is the GREATEST
of all things I live for
and I wonder…
what would life be like to not have a need like this, a drive like this, one which you simultaneously see as life itSELF while also wishing it would just leave you TF alone for a second, and also – 
so what,
back to the words)

*It’s simply – the doing of the art NEVER for money, not even a little, or indeed any other outcome – about purity, isn’t it?

What comes from you is either pure, it is the message, it IS the art, it is what you’ve been shown and commanded and guided to and in doing it your soul can BREATHE again and everything is RIGHT, OR –

It’s something you tried to craft, and manufacture, for a purpose.

If I do this people will like me.
Like that and they will follow me.
This way for them to pay me.

NO NO NO NO NO! That is not art, and never can be, no matter how close of a representation of, well – (face of disgust) – SOMETHING it may be.


You already no.

And if you think it’s a means to an end then allow me to remind you that the ONLY means and the only END can ever be I DID WHAT I CAME HERE TO DO.

So yes…

There’s that!

Here is something else:

The money, this is a separate thing together. We’ve spoken of this before … if not you and I directly, then perhaps you’ve ready my previous work on separating art form money, or perhaps, of course, it was just in another place,

another time,

a land,

far far away.

But either way – !

OH we have spoken of it.

Money comes when you believe it to and expect for it to and assume that it DOES and when you are the person who has it. When you BECOME who it can’t NOT be around.


You make a mockery of your art and a WRETCHED FOOL of you.

Wretched wretched wretched!

(and also,
just quietly,
the attempting of doing this,
is why you imbibe,
or self-destroy,
and avoid,
in the way you do

You ask for the money and you intend for the money and you ALIGN to the money and THAT is where the money comes from and your only job your ONLY job – !

(ever ever EVER!)


Reminder from soul:

I receive the things because I decide on the things and that decision is based on alignment and what I believe is meant for me and so I CHOOSE, and then I simply BECOME –

Via gradual and day by day method of dialing it in –

The me who would HAVE said things, from the inside out –

And meanwhile I BE FULLY ME which is and only ever CAN be,

I do my work.
I do it without demand.
Without expectation.
With full surrender.
And with the knowledge,
That if I am never paid,
Never seen,
Never heard,
Never known,
If I never achieve a single thing because I put words to a page, breath to the air, paint to a canvas, then I achieved EVERYTHING and the ONLY thing which could ever matter which was that I LIVED for my art and also,

Died for it.

The art can only ever be the art when it’s done for its own sake. From that place, yes, you can make millions.

Impact millions.

And even change the world … but it happens when you do it like it’s done, and with ZERO compromise on your truth.

Stop living like you don’t already know this.

And this,

This is what they,
Who want to ‘make money online’
Or be famous all over
Or get paid for their art
Will never understand

And so they live out their days,

Creating creating creating, but always from a misguided and twisted place,

“If I do this then life must give me that!”


If you live for what you are meant to live for,

Then you will find that life already gave you everything, since the very beginning, the whole damn time.

You just didn’t know it was there.

And you bought into a false idea, a LIE, the myth, that in order to access what you were born with access to (ALL abundance and becoming) you have to pay a price.

So you paid the price.


The price of your soul.

Now not only do you not have the things because THAT IS NOT HOW THEY CAN BE GOT,

But you’re also not the thing.

Ashes to ashes.
Dust to dust.

And we never even saw who you were.

So there you go,

Like I said –

Take it or leave it, but just don’t forget –



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