

Today I’m going to give you a prophecy, for the business and the life you know you are here to create.

It’s a prophecy born of knowledge, actually, about what it means, to be this person.

The crazy one.
The messy one.
The rule-breaker who is irrational as fuck and just can’t, even, ANYTHING, with the norms.
The one who won’t listen to reason. Won’t! But also CAN’T.
The one who tries so damn hard at times, to be organised, get it together, get on top of everything, do business and life RIGHT, all the while somewhere deep within wondering, to those who dictate the Ways That It Must Be, Apparently –

Well yes –
But what is RIGHT?
And why do YOU get to decide that?
And ACTUALLY, I think I am RIGHTER. So there!

To you.

And here is what I know, about you –

You have fire inside you so deep and powerful, so dark and SCARY at times, so wildly FORCEFUL, that you don’t entirely know what to do with it.

At all, a lot of the time, is the truth of the matter!

You dream of more. OF COURSE. So much more. OF COURSE. You know it is available to you. OF COURSE. And you know you will give your life for it, and die still trying. Of course.

Here is what else you know, and what I know, of you –

You won’t be restrained. Won’t be and CAN’T be!
You won’t be dimmed. NEVER.
You won’t be held back. JUST TRY.
You RAIL against the system, against anybody who stands FOR it, and on occasion, it seems, against the world.


But yet –

As much as you would NEVER EVER say yes to the idea of anybody EVER suggesting you should be anything less than ALL of you, somehow, someway, somewhere ALONG the way, you found yourself here –

Held back
Boxed in
ONE of them
(the horror)

And the worst part of all, I don’t have to tell you, OF COURSE –

Nobody did this to you except for you.

You were the one who was SUPPOSED to be wild! Wild as FUCK, and free! A free SPIRIT, and creating like a bat out of hell, like a whirring dervish, like a shooting star in the sky, MAGNETIC with its brilliance, MESMERIZING just because it IS!

You were SUPPOSED to live an extraordinary life, do something amazing, be different.


There was NEVER any room for something other than this.

You were going to live at a million miles an hour, do all the things, unleash all the things, and most of all BE everything inside of you, NO BS AND NO EXCUSES; tear the world limb from limb, and then dance on top of it, before you jump down and RUN the damn thing, and all before breakfast!


Can I tell you something?

Can I GIVE you the message, the download, the prophecy, perhaps, if you will, which is coming through me today, for YOU?

It’s available.
It’s still available.
It is STILL fucking AVAILABLE.
ALL OF IT baby, and then some.


You know this.

But here is what else –

You have to stop. It is time to STOP. It’s time to motherfucking STOP. With the trying to figure it out, the trying to be more ‘professional’, the trying to grow UP and get things all nice and orderly-like, or whatever the fuck it is you’re thinking you gotta DO, in order to get there.

It’s time to stop with the planning.
It’s time to stop with the thinking.
And it’s sure as heck time to stop listening to the voices outside OR inside of your head which tell you that ANY way other than the WAY OF YOU BEING YOU IS THE WAY.


Because here is what I KNOW for sure, about you, and about what’s gonna happen:

From the chaos, an EMPIRE will be built.

From the chaos, YOUR empire will be built.

From the CHAOS, the empire you were born to BUILD –


You will look back –

And people will ask how you did it, how you created this thing, how you started to make money like that, live like that, BE like that, HAVE it fucking ALL, how you continue to do and be and step into so MUCH, in all areas, all the time, and with such ease and flow – !

It will be difficult to explain to them …

You won’t QUITE be able to put a finger on it …

It will seem like a mystery, like a wonder, definitely magical

And you’ll tell the, well –

“I showed up, of course. I did the work, yes! I made space, that’s it, for my dreams! And then I USED that space. I did some things. I pushed past fear. I stayed the COURSE”

This is all true, naturally.

But still there is something more, isn’t there?

Something not identified yet, yes?

Something you can’t quite put a finger on, as to why it WAS, that it really worked like THIS, where you have this INCREDIBLE fucking life that just.gets.better.

Do you want to know what it is? Would you like me to tell you? Can you choose to BELIEVE, and accept this?!

It could only ever be that way – 
It could only ever be created like this – 
It could only ever get to HERE –

If it came from chaos.
If it came from MESS.
If it came from oh my fucking God what the HELL do I think I’m doing, I must be INSANE, and yet HERE I GO AGAIN oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck I’m FALLING –

And then I land

“How did I build this empire”, you’ll say back to them?

“Well, to be honest –

I just woke up every day, made shit up, and threw it at the internet!

I followed flow.

I did what FELT right.

I did what I wanted!

I was SO disorganised, never on top of anything, and NEVER doing the things I used to think I should do!

I was a messy and crazy and irrational as fuck mad-professor CREATOR, spin spin spinning through the laboratory of my life, and FUCK the world around me, and I’ll be out for dinner when I come out of my SOUL!”

And somehow –

Some way –

I became and remained STRONG enough to quit even remotely entertaining the idea that I should in any way be LESS of me –

That I should in any way BE LIKE THEM –

That I should make a motherfucking plan –

A schedule – !

Or even –

A list.

At some point along the way, I GAVE IN TO FULLY BEING ME.

I gave myself permission to be ALL of me.

I gave myself permission to not only ACCEPT my mad crazy style, but also to EMBRACE it, to WELCOME it, and to SEE it as the gift, it is.

The INCREDIBLE fucking gift, the gift of accessing other realms, other worlds, levels of flow and knowledge and art which simply don’t EXIST for those who are neatly checking their list, checking it twice, working their way through the BUILDING blocks of business and life, and then, when they get to some sort of painfully eeked out version of success, wondering why they’re still not HAPPY, fulFILLED, at peace, or having the SLIGHTEST bit of fun.

And me?

Well, I decided long ago to let the chaos be okay, to let who I AM be okay, and also to have so.much.FUN on the journey.

To do ONLY the things which felt like flow and yes to do, to NEVER do something because I thought it might get me an outcome.

Not in business.

And not in life.

And the secret? The greatest secret of the whole damn thing?

I realised that I can already have everything I ever wanted and thought I had to work TOWARDS, if I just gave it to myself in this moment right HERE, and if I then directed my ACTIONS from a place of of COURSE I get to do what I want.

Be who I am.

And access flow.


And the empire? The motherfucking EMPIRE? All this money flow? Soulmate clients? The body? The business? The lifestyle? The LIFE?

Well, that just kinda sorta happened …

I don’t even QUITE know how …

I kept on claiming it, focusing it, KNOWING it was available, and choosing to believe I could have it, do it, be it …

But as far as what I then ‘did’ to get there?

Just followed the fucking flow girl.

That’s all.

And from the chaos –

An empire was built”

This is what you will say to them.

When they ask.

I can tell you that when you say this –

Few will listen.

Fewer still will understand, or even seek to.

This is just how it IS.

We DO what they WON’T, and we live like they CAN’T, but more still than that –

We BE who they won’t.

We be who we ARE.

We be ALL of ourselves.

And we become what they don’t even know exists, and wouldn’t believe if you shoved it in their face.

But the right ones –

The right ones will listen to you.

For the right ones, their soul will shout YES, something deep within them will just KNOW you speak the truth, perhaps when you write a post, like this.

They will turn IN.
They will LEAN in.
To you? To your offers, and what you’re selling?
But I meant to their own true selves.

They will lean in.
And perhaps –
They will finally let go of the idea that it had to be anything other than this

Or that it could be

I wonder …

Who will be that person today?

Finally to give in

And realise

That from the chaos

An EMPIRE will be built

And that actually

It’s the only way

Maybe it’s you

Maybe it’s the next person to come along after you

Perhaps your journey is to follow the rules
Fit in the box
Be a good little stepfrodpreneur, with your hair done just so, and your website quite right!
Be like the others
Fit in

Or maybe
Just maybe
You’re one of us
Not like the other entrepreneurs
Not EVER gonna colour between those lines
And finally
Ready to admit it

Because finally
You figured the fuck out –
